
storABLE gives you access to your data from your phone or desktop. The first 10GB are free to use, and then the cost is ~75% lower than comparible data storing sites.


  • Sync your Disk

    storABLE will sync you agreed drive locations automatically. The ipfs file storage system provides enhanced security and backup.

  • File Formats

    storABLE accepts all file formats you need for your business.

  • knowABLE

    knowABLE extracts knowledge from data to give you the most relevant information on demand. It can compare your data with data on the internet.

Network Capacity

storABLE uses the ipfs hardware provided by
This storage can scale with the size of your business needs.

  • 5,120 Disk Locations
  • 8,192 Connected Networks
  • 2,048 Statistics
  • 4,096 Businesses
  • 1,024 knowABLE clients

storABLE is a decentralized provider of hardware that allows you to upload and learn from using knowABLE. Get more from your data today.

Download iOS or Android app

storABLE can be accessed via webapp to upload your data from a PC or
from a mobile device to sync you pictures and notes from your phone.